Thursday, July 14, 2011

11 years!

We don't "complete" each other.

I know...that's a strange way to start a post about how wonderful it has been to be married to Bill for 11 years. It's true though. We don't complete each other. In fact we can't and that is what makes our relationship so wonderful.
We rely on The Lord to complete us.
Bill knows he cannot be my everything and that I cannot be his.
being married for 11 years has been such a rich time of blessings. The Lord has showed His love to us through each other (most of the time).

I wish there were different words for different degrees of love. I loved Bill when we were dating but my love for him has multiplied 1000 times since then and there really isn't a better word. He is my shoulder to cry on, he doesn't care that my hair is a mess in the morning, he makes me laugh all the time, he has read loads of anxiety books (without my knowing or asking), he walked beside me through all my struggles, he never lets the opportunity pass to tell me that he likes being with me or that I am beautiful, he is a fun dad and a loving dad, he sees all of our kids for who they are and knows that they all need different things from him.
There is not a word for that! 

Someone once told us that the secret to a long happy marriage is not communication or love languages but to remain fond of each other.  Don't get caught up in all the little things that annoy each other. Don't tell each other all the little things that annoy you. After let a lot of things slide when you were dating.
I hope Bill knows how fond I am of him. One of my favorite things about Bill is that I DO KNOW how fond he is of me. He makes me feel special and loved.
We are different!
 I don't just mean in some ways. We are different in EVERY way possible. I think that's what makes our marriage so much fun! Thank you for allowing me to be different and loving me for it.
 I'll probably never vote in an election, know where my keys are, shut the car doors when I get out or understand (or care to understand) "string theory".
You'll never want to live on a goat farm, eat sushi, loose your keys or watch Golden Girls while you knit :-)
But the freedom to be who we are and love each other for it is what I love about us! 

Although it has not always been easy to be married, all the struggles have been worth it!
I've seen the worst in you and you've seen the worst in me and on the other side we still love and really like each other!

I am looking forward to a lifetime with you!

I put too many pictures to think of anything else to write :-)

I love you!

I like you.

I am fond of you!
You're hot :-)

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